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Michael Clarke

Current Title: Kyoshi

Current Rank: Hachidan, Okinawa Goju ryu, Jundokan So-hombu


Karate History:

Began practising karate (Tani ha Shito ryu) in January 1974, in Manchester, England.

Represented England (within Tani Chojiro sensei’s Shukokai) in kata and kumite tournaments throughout England and Europe during1976 and 1977.

Ranked: Nidan, Shukokai World Karate Union, Kobe, Japan.


Arrived in Okinawa in February 1984 to research the roots of karate. Stayed for one month, training at the Higaonna dojo in Makishi, Naha.

Returned to England, and changed training to Goju-ryu. Travelled to practise under Higaonna Morio sensei around England, Europe, America, Japan (Tokyo), and New Zealand.

Entered the Jundokan dojo, Azato in 1992.

Alongside my karate practise, I began kobudo training in 2006 at the Shimbukan dojo, Tomigusku, with Akamine Hiroshi sensei.

Between February 1984 and November 2013 I visited Okinawa on fifteen occasions to receive instruction, conduct research, and work in my capacity as a writer.


Since 1985 I have published over five hundred articles and interviews on karate, kobudo and budo culture. Many of my interviews have been with leading Okinawan sensei, as well as masters of other martial arts, such as the Doshu of aikido, Ueshiba Moriteru. My articles have been published in England, America, Australia, Okinawa, New Zealand, and Spain; they have also been translated into Spanish, Dutch, Flemish, and Japanese.

I have had five books published, including ‘The Art of Hojo-Undo’, which has been translated and published in Italian. My sixth book, “Redemption’, will be published in America, in May 2016.
